California Building Energy Efficiency Standards

In efforts to lower energy consumption in California, the California Building Commission established the Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Non-residential Buildings in 1978. This is the Title 24, part 6, of the California Building Standards Code. These energy standards are applicable both to residential and non-residential buildings. Title 24 standards is consisted of twelve parts that aim to achieve the goal of ensuring the achievement of energy efficiency and preservation of both indoor and outdoor environments and Title 24 certification energy consumption.

A Title 24 energy report is a set of forms that verify your proposed building design complies with the California Title 24 energy standards. Title 24 energy calculations are a collection of energy standards forms that address the energy efficiency of new (and altered) homes and commercial buildings. Since 1978, California residents are required to meet the energy efficiency standards contained in Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.

California has consistently achieved the milestones over the years that have landed it on the top spot as the leader in reduction of energy use by its people. This has been as a result of consistent regulations of the Title 24 standards, occasional adjustments, and proper implementation of the California Energy Code. California has achieved milestones such as public protection, efficient energy and reduction and eventual elimination of waste of energy.

Title 24 Energy Calculations California Building Standards Code is a broad set of requirements for “energy conservation, green design, construction and maintenance, fire and life safety, and accessibility” that apply to the “structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems” in a building. Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, known as the California Building Standards Code or just "Title 24," contains the regulations that govern the construction of buildings in California.

The 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards improve upon the 2016 Energy Standards for new construction of, and additions and alterations to, residential and nonresidential buildings. Buildings permitted on or after January 1, 2020, must comply with the 2019 Standards. The California Energy Commission updates the Title 24 Energy Calcs standards every three years.

Title 24 Calcs is a service provider of the California Title 24 energy compliance reports. The team provides Title 24 energy compliance services to architects, engineers, design firms, corporations, contractors, and homeowners. Title 24 Calcs provides energy services for new residences, residential additions, alteration and commercial buildings based on prescriptive or performance methods. They provide you with signed hardcopies of your Title 24 compliance report with all necessary forms and calculations that are ready to submit to your City's building department. E-mailed files (PDF, JPEG, WMF, etc.) giving you the option of inserting your compliance reports directly into your CAD program. For more information, please visit our website: